The Natal Naturopath
Welcome to The Natal Naturopath podcast with your host Melanie Nolan. Each week, Melanie Nolan will talk on women's health, nutrition, evidence-based tips, new research, busting out-dated medical advice myths, motherhood and more. Melanie will also host honest insightful and educating talks with leaders in their field.Melanie bring years of experience in naturopathy, running a busy online women's clinic based in Melbourne Australia, developing her own supplement range and mothering three daughters. Come and say hi on instagram @thenatalnaturopath

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
"I'm not falling pregnant and I don't know why. I don't have any obvious health conditions or problems. My cycle comes once a month. But it's just not happening."This is really common. So here's my top simple practical and implementable tips to follow if you're in this situation. I personally don't agree with "try for a baby for twelve months and then we will investigate what is happening." Twelve months of infertility is a loooong time and wasted precious treatment time. So let's begin to check off some really important things off our list to make sure your fertility is at it's best, as early as possible. Are we insta friends? If not, come over and say hi @thenatalnaturopathThank you for listening! I would loveeeee if you could give my podcast a rating and a review. It's important as it helps get this podcast into the ears of other women who need it. As always, if you want my help with your fertility - you can book an appointment with myself or the other naturopaths on the team here.

Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
What is an ovulation "off" switch, and could it be happening to you? If you have been trying for a baby, and it just isn't happening, this might be something to consider - whether you are eating enough to fall pregnant? Are you possibly in an under-eating/over-exercising cycle? Is your body fat % too low to conceive?I discuss how your hypothalamus can limit or shut down ovulation, otherwise known as hypothalamic amenorrhea, if it perceives the body under physical stress in order to conserve energy. And most importantly, what blood tests would be needed, and ultimately, how to fix it.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Could it be time to give your body a break from the pill? Why should we ovulate monthly, even if we aren't interesting in having a baby? In this episode I break down exactly what the pill is doing to your hormones, and it is NOT regulating them. This is the information I wish all menstruating women could hear - that ovulation is important. And not just to make a baby. And the pill doesn't allow you to ovulate. When the pill stops us ovulating, we aren't producing progesterone... but what does this mean for you?Are we insta friends? If not, come over and say hi @thenatalnaturopathThank you for listening! I would loveeeee if you could give my podcast a rating and a review. It's important as it helps get this podcast into the ears of other women who need it.

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Stop putting off those medical tests. Those niggling things that get pushed to the back of your mind because you’ve got better things to worry about. Niggling things can eventually become louder knocks, and then something that rams through the entire door. My own health issues lately led me down some investigations but god I’m glad I did because imagine if it was something that needed attention, how would I feel in one years time. You are a priority, think of the people that rely on you. And that niggling thing may very well become something that really impacts your functioning. So this is your gentle nudge, get those tests done. Today, tomorrow but definitely by the end of the week.

Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Over the years I've learnt a lot about certain toxins, chemicals and nasties that can be found in the home. There are plenty, and the research behind these toxins can look frightening. In an effort to cut down our toxic exposure, here are my top four non-negotiables in our home that I won't be going backwards on. Are we insta friends? If not, come over and say hi @thenatalnaturopathThank you for listening! I would loveeeee if you could give my podcast a rating and a review. It's important as it helps get this podcast into the ears of other women who need it.

Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Chances are, if you’ve been told your iron levels are low by your doctor, you went straight to the chemist to get an iron supplement. There probably wasn’t much thought on the form of iron, whether your gut will absorb it, how much to take, what not to take your iron with, how long it will take to get your iron levels up and what the differences are between all the iron supplements. And more often than not, women take iron for months without minimal improvement on their iron levels. Let's all become iron-literate, so we know what optimal levels we want to maintain on a blood test, and how to do it. Click here to learn more about The Natal Naturopath and see our IronBiotic, and to sign up to the weekly newsletter. Don’t worry we won’t spam you! And for those who sign up to the newsletter you will get 10% off your first purchase.Are we insta friends? If not, come over and say hi @thenatalnaturopathThank you for listening! I would loveeeee if you could give my podcast a rating and a review. It's important as it helps get this podcast into the ears of other women who need it.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Welcome to The Natal Naturopath podcast! Just a quick first episode to let you know what this podcast will be all about.